Here's my sequel to The Biggest Website Mistakes - Part I. These are other annoying, unnecessary and profit-draining mistakes that I see people make on their business websites.
Mistake #4: Burying the most effective headline(s) "below the fold" (top part of the Home page). It's crazy why people insist on making visitors work hard to find the information they want. Put these eyeball-catching, benefit-laden headlines at the top of the website, where it's easy to people to read them. Remember - you only have 7 to 10 seconds to sell a new visitor on staying at your site.
Mistake #5: Burying the opt-in form and Social Media links at the bottom of the page. I saw a marketing consultant's website with page links, a cutesy tag line and a picture at the top of the website. I scrolled all the way to the bottom, where these forms and links were at. That doesn't give me a lot of confidence in their ability to help website owners if they don't do the right things on their own website.
Mistake #6: Focusing too much on themselves and their business, instead of how their company, product or service can solve a problem for the website visitor. Information - that's what almost every website visitor is looking for. And visitors want to know HOW that information will solve a problem, or fulfill a desire in their lives.
And if you just blather on about how cool you or your company is, that will turn people off very quickly and they won't be interested in what you have to offer - because you haven't shown that you're interested in solve their problem or understanding where they're coming from. If your website has no solution or empathy for the reader, you probably won't get their business.
While I could write several more posts about common website mistakes, I'll stop at Parts I and II for right now. I'll have another post up next week, enjoy your weekend.
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