Friday, June 29, 2007

Marketing Like You Were Talking to a Kid

This is the best way I can describe how you should approach a sales letter or marketing piece. You never want to assume that the target audience you're talking to can read your mind and know what you're thinking.

People today are bombarded with information overload, and it may take them awhile to focus (or re-focus) on your message and understand how it can benefit them. As you're doing this, break your message down step by step, so there's no misunderstanding or guesswork on the reader's part.

Here's the rule of thumb that I use: If I think my message is easy enough for a teenager to understand, then I've made it easy enough to understand. Here's another hint when you're writing...

Use smaller, shorter, easier-to-understand words. Remember, your goal is trying to sell a product or service to the reader - not impress her with your knowledge and grasp of the English language. That was fine in Mrs. Johnson's Advanced Composition course, but not so helpful when marketing and selling in print.

It's 5PM on a summer Friday afternoon, I'm ready to call it a day behind the PC. Hope your summer's going well, have a happy, safe and fun 4th of July!

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