I’m not a huge movie buff, but I do remember some quotes from some of my favorite movies. Bull Durham. Caddyshack. Major League. I know, they’re not exactly highbrow entertainment, but they’re worth my money to rent from Blockbuster.
Although I haven’t seen The Godfather from start to finish, there is one very memorable quote that you can apply to your business and customers that will make a BIG difference in your profitability. The Godfather himself, Don Corleone, who says these often-quoted, now-famous words:
“Make ‘em a offer…dey can’t refuse.”
And how do you do that? Pack as much value into it as possible. In order to do that, you must know what’s valuable to your customers. If you don’t know, for goodness sakes, ASK! When you send out a print newsletter or e-zine, have your customers/prospects fill out a quick survey.
Nowadays, time is a valuable commodity. People won’t do anything just because you want them to. You may need to offer a free gift, in exchange for them taking their time to help you out.
Here’s an example of a great offer from an Italian restaurant owner. Dan Kennedy writes a letter about Giorgio, the ‘Romance Specialist’ who wants to help busy, weary couples rekindle the flame of romance by spending a special night at his restaurant.
What’s the offer? This was written approximately 15 years ago, so adjust the prices in your mind. For only $99, a couple will get a limo ride to and from their house to Giorgio’s establishment, and an Italian dinner for two - with an unlimited amount of red wine - awaits them.
There the lucky couple will have a secluded, quiet candlelit table with a great view of a bay at sunset reserved just for them. Is that a great offer or what?
To create these great offers, look at the marketing ideas from companies and industries other than your own. You can copy and borrow the best and most applicable ideas for your company and industry. Combining this with the survey results from your customers, should allow you create an offer your customers can't refuse.
When you do this at least once – and preferably several times during the year – you’ll stand out from your competition, and give yourself and your business a BIG advantage.
Have a Happy, Fun and Safe 4th of July – appoint a Designated Driver, DON’T drink and drive!
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