You're probably wondering: "What's this all about, and how can it benefit my business?"
Here's the scoop:
I was at my local Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle meeting in Denver today at the Burnsley Hotel. Karen Schaefer - who does a great job moderating, brainstorming money-making ideas, and kicking attendees in the butt to take action - talked about Dan Kennedy's September newsletter. It talked about how you can use current news to market and promote your business. Like the recent "Cash For Clunkers" program the government enacted to increase the sale of new cars.
So - I decided to have a two-week special offer where I'll take your lowest-performing "clunker" website... sales letter... advertisement or other marketing piece, take my marketing and copywriting expertise, and turn it into a higher-performing asset which brings more cash into your business!
If your business is running:
- Pay-Per-Click marketing
- Cost-Per-Action marketing
- Direct mail sales letters
- E-mail/e-zine promotions
- Print Yellow Pages ads (which still work if they're done correctly)
... and you aren't getting the results you deserve, then give me a call at 720-747-5895, or send an e-mail to:, with "Cash For Clunkers" in the subject line.
We'll set up a time to talk (up to 20 minutes) about your business and marketing. If you have a good product or service and a good target market, there's a good chance I can work with you.
You may be asking: "What kinds of results have you produced for clients in the past?"
I've written a promotion where the client netted $8.56 in pure profit for every dollar they invested with me. And I created another sales letter that brought in $1.53 in revenue for each $1 invested in my services.
I'll be right up front - I can't guarantee these kind of numbers for your business. However, I'm confident I can provide better results than you're getting right now.
And - with your permission, I'll do a "before and after" comparison, and provide a link to your website - promoting your company and what you have to offer.
However, this offer is only available for a limited time - until October 21st @ 11:59 PM Mountain time.
Give me a call at 720-747-5895, or send an e-mail to:, with "Cash For Clunkers" in the subject line.
The only thing you have to lose is more sales and dollars - take action today.