Today over 500 bloggers in seven countries are helping raise funds for people affected by Hurricane Katrina. This effort was spearheaded by Hugh Hewitt, a law professor at Chapman University in California, who also has a nationally-synidcated radio show.
There are many, many fine charities to contribute to. The one I'll recommend is Lutheran World Relief. They're a very efficient organization with a very low % of overhead. This ensures that the majority of your dollars go to the folks that really need it.
Check out Mark Daniels, Hugh Hewitt, and Instapundit for more info about and links to other charities you can contribute to.
I know this is a big departure from my usual posts. I thought this was a small way I could contribute to people who have had their lives turned upside down. Contribute what you can, and pray for our leaders, relief workers... and especially the families affected by this natural disaster.